IDRA Fitness Center

IDRA Fitness Center


The IDRA Fitness Center is located at 1849 C Street NW #B538 Washington, DC 20240. The IDRA Fitness Center is open Monday through Friday, 6:30am-7:30pm (202) 208-5756.

All staff members are nationally certified in personal training, group exercise, and CPR, AED and First Aid.

Our Cardiovascular Equipment includes treadmills, ellipticals, steppers, rowing machine, recumbent & upright stationary bicycles machines. The weight room consists of a variety of Cybex equipment and an assortment of weight benches.

A variety of group exercise classes are offered weekly and we encourage members of all fitness levels to participate in our group fitness program.

Basketball Court
The IDRA Fitness Center offers a full basketball court. See schedule for full and half-court basketball play.

Fitness Testing and Programming
All staff members are qualified to administer our standard fitness test (see link above) and to help members plan an appropriate fitness program. Staff members also give orientations to the weight room - Appointments are necessary. Cost is $8.00.

The lockers in the locker rooms are for day use only. Any locks left overnight will be removed by IDRA Management. There are lockers available for member use outside the locker room and are appointed to members by the Fitness Center staff for a nominal fee.

Fitness and Health Information
Handouts and bulletin boards offer wellness information. While any person with questions should consult their physician, the Fitness Center staff members are available to discuss certain fitness issues. Staff members also welcome feedback regarding exercise classes or other Fitness Center issues.

Running/Walking Outside
IDRA Fitness Center members have permission to exit via parking garage ramps G and D with I.D. A memo with specific information is posted in the Fitness Center.

Becoming a Member
Fill out the forms on the link above (physicians consent is not necessary for everyone-ask fitness staff if you are unsure) and submit them to the IDRA Fitness Center. There is a $25.00 initiation fee, plus an annual fee for IDRA membership if you are not a current member. You may pay fees by credit card, debit, cash, or check. See price list (link above) for payroll allotment and pricing information.