IDRA regularly brings in outside vendors allowing DOI employees and surrounding agencies the opportunity to purchase unique high quality goods and services at bargain. Vendors sell various products ranging from clothing, handbags and leather goods, jewelry, home products, etc. In addition, discount cell phone providers, wholesale clubs, etc. are offered as well. All vendors set-up in the cafeteria basement level and are onsite from 8am- 3pm.
If you are interested in becoming a vendor with our program, you must submit an application form which is available below. Please complete the form, and email to or fax to (202) 208-6976.
Once your application is reviewed, the Vendor Coordinator will contact you to set up an interview.
Vendor Application
Advertising & Vending Rates
Vendor Calendars
March 2019
April 2019
May 2019
June 2019
July 2019
August 2019